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Whey Protein

Know the FAQs

Last updated: June 1st 2014

Before you read the FAQs, we want to point out that the answers are our thoughts and views accumulated over years of taking sports supplements. We're not biochemists or qualified nutritionists, like many of you we're sports enthusiasts who enjoy active lifestyles. Facts are paramount, not hearsay. These answers are meant to provide an introductory guide to whey protein with the marketing hype stripped out. They should not be relied up on as professional advice. If you're unsure on anything, especially pertaining to allergies or lactose intolerance we recommend you speak with a qualified nutritionist. If our experience is anything to go by it's unlikely that means the sales associate at your local health food shop so find a qualified professional. You might ask why we don't publish or post links to the science. It's a fair question and we're well aware of the vast amounts of bro science circulating on the Web. The truth is that in some, albeit in a minority of cases, we would disagree against some of what the science says. We believe the proof is in the results so the answers below are more of what's work best for us through trial and error. We fully accept you might have a different opinion.

  • What is whey protein, where does it come from?

    Whey protein comes from cow's milk. It is a liquid based by-product that is produced during the curdling process of cheese production. Whey protein makes up 20% of the protein content in animal milk, with the remaining 80% made up by casein fractions. Whey protein is low in calories and is a "complete protein source" meaning it contains all 9 essential amino acids (EAAs). The human body can't synthesise these amino acids, hence we need to obtain them from food sources. Amino acids form the building blocks of our bodies. They are essential for skeletal and muscular growth and repair. Hair, nails and skin are derived from amino acids.

    Whey protein has the highest biological value (BV) of any protein, even higher than egg which itself was the original "gold standard" of protein. This being the case it is the #1 preferred protein supplement of choice for most people who endeavour to maintain a healthy lifestyle and those who partake in demanding sports like rugby, mixed martial arts, boxing and especially bodybuilding. Whey is a fast-acting protein meaning the body can digest and absorb the amino acids extremely quickly, faster than all other protein sources. For the purposes of aiding recovery, whey taken together with a fast acting carbohydrate source makes it an ideal supplement to consume after intense activity.

    If you're interested in the nutritional facts of whey, there's plenty of information online - Wikipedia and Muscle & Strength are good places to start.

  • Types of Whey Protein

    There are three types of whey protein:

    1. Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC)
    2. Whey Protein Isolate (WPI)
    3. Whey Protein Hydrolysate (WPH)

    Whey Protein Concentrate

    Whey protein concentrate (WPC) is the cheapest form and therefore usually accounts for the majority of the protein content in products that are labelled as a "whey protein powder". In its natural state, before flavourings, colours and sweeteners are added, it is an off-white, finely textured powder. An unflavoured WPC tastes bland and is probably similar to what watered down milk and cheese would taste like.

    The quality of WPC does vary quite considerably. Most whey concentrates tend to be in the 80% range, so an average 30 gram scoop will offer about 24 grams of protein. If the name of product isn't explicit about protein content, always read the nutritional profile. For example Bulk Powders' "Pure Whey Protein" contains 82 percent protein and Myprotein's "Essential Whey 60" contains 60 percent.

    Of all the protein supplements we've taken, WPC has been base protein ingredient. We've taken it branded, unbranded (from a bulk supplier), unflavoured, flavoured and natural. Some of us use it on its own, usually around workout times or first thing in the morning, but most mix it with other food groups and or other protein sources to help slow down or spread its digestion rate. A good tip worth considering if money's tight is to buy a bulk supply of unflavoured WPC and mix it with other products. Depending on your needs the other product could be a:

    • Flavoured variant - If you buy a bulk supply of unflavoured WPC this would be ideal for extending the longevity of the flavoured product. Flavoured products always cost more than unflavoured ones.
    • Whey protein isolate - Make your own whey blend. Although technically a whey concentrate would impact slightly on the rate of the isolate's digestion speed, (which in turn it could be argued negates the rationale behind spending more on an isolate) whey concentrate / isolate blends are popular manufactured products.
    • Slower digesting protein - Ideal if you want to extend digestion and absorption times. Casein, egg, soy, pea and rice proteins ideally complement whey in a solid all-round "through-the-day" protein shake.
    • Fast carbs - To help aid muscle recovery, a fast carb source like dextrose, waxy maize starch or maltodextrin can be a great addition to any whey product post-workout.
    • Slow carbs - Adding slow carbs like oat bran and / or fine oats are great to combine in whey if your goal is to gain weight.

    You can read more about WPC on the product search.

    Whey Protein Isolate

    Whey protein isolate (WPI) is a purer, hence more expensive, form of whey. Whey isolate products contain over 90% protein with further reductions in carbs (lactose) and fats when compared to the cheaper WPC.

    In its natural state, physically it isn't too dissimilar to WPC, although it's slightly whiter and "fluffier" texture. Mixed with water it has a thinner consistency than WPC does. Unflavoured, it tastes similar to skimmed milk and it doesn't have the same cheesy after taste that WPC sometimes has. Most manufacturers say that WPC is easier to flavour and offers a fuller taste over a flavoured WPI. Citrus flavoured WPIs tend to have the edge taste wise.

    Due to its higher cost, WPI products are more favoured by sportsmen and women who are either seeking to build or maintain lean muscle. It's also popular with athletes seeking to cut or trim body fat due to it's further reduced carb / fat content. Due to the very low (if any) lactose levels, WPI is the preferred choice for people who are lactose intolerant.

    WPI is best used as a post-workout shake. We'll sometimes blend in a banana or a fast acting carb source like dextrose. To reduce the cost you can mix it with a WPC and you may even prefer to look at a WPC / WPI blend.

    You can read more about WPI on the product search.

    Whey Protein Hydrolysate

    Unlike WPC and WPI, whey protein hydrolysate (WPH) does not draw any inference to the purity of the product. The process of hydrolysing whey essentially means the whey fractions, (which can be either WPC, WPI or a blend of both) are taken through an extra manufacturing process. They enzymes are broken down into smaller segments called peptides. When ingested, this "pre-digested" whey is absorbed at the fastest rate available of any protein shake. This makes it particularly favourable amongst elite strength training athletes, especially seasoned bodybuilders. It's also commonly used in infant formulas and for medical use.

    As the protein has to go through this extra process, WPH products are the most expensive of all three types.

    We haven't experimented with a standalone WPH over a sustained period mainly because we find it difficult to justify the extra expense. From reading and the conversations we've had, our opinion is there is a limited benefit over a WPI. That being said, there are people who swear by WPH, but they tend to be seasoned bodybuilders. Several have even said that they could substitute WPH for a good WPI, but given the choice they feel WPH does offer an edge. If you can afford it and you're undecided on whether it could be a suitable product for you, Google WPH and you'll find enough people talking about their experiences with it.

    You can read more about WPH on the product search.

  • What's the difference between whey protein concentrate and whey protein isolate?

    Purity. WPI is a "purer" protein. WPI is at least 90% protein and consequently has very little in the way of carbohydrates (lactose) and fats. It has slightly fewer calories too. Most unflavoured WPCs by contrast are roughly gauged at around 80 – 85% purity but they can go much lower. Mixed with water WPI has a thinner whiter consistency and WPC tastes slightly cheesy. Although WPC is a fast digesting, fast absorbing protein, WPI is regarded by the majority as the fastest, most ideal choice in a post-workout shake. That said WPC is extremely popular in a post-workout shake.

  • What type of protein is 100% whey?

    Any whey product can be a 100% whey concentrate, a 100% whey isolate or a 100% whey hydrolysate. These products aren't being miss sold as such but it is arguably misleading. What they're really referring to is the whey protein as an ingredient, not the concentration. Protein shakes often contain a blend of whey proteins and many contain different protein types, such as soy, egg and casein. Most products marketed as "100% whey" usually contain a majority of whey concentrate.

  • Is whey protein powder only for bodybuilders?

    No, whey protein is widely used by for a variety of purposes. Whey protein is most commonly associated with sport and fitness because it's a main ingredient in so called "protein shakes". Whey protein is used in all types of food types including baby formulas.

    We all need protein and the health benefits attributed to whey are plentiful and well documented if you read around online. There have been numerous papers published which purport to how it lowers cholesterol, prevents diseases and slows down the growth of cancers. It is also used in medicine to aid patients' recovery. Other people who can benefit are those who are:

    • Keen to maintain general health and fitness
    • Dieting or maintaining a reduced calorie intake
    • Diabetics, as whey helps maintain blood sugar
    • Elderly or recovering from illness. Almost all convalescent drinks contain a percentage of whey protein.
  • How much protein should I take?

    This is one of the talked about asked questions on bodbuilding / supplement forums and unfortunately there's no precise easy answer. As we state above, we're not nutritionists, but in our experience it depends on numerous factors. It depends on your body type, what you do for a living - as in how much energy you exert during the day, what your goals are, how old you are and your metabolism. Obviously you have to factor in the grams of protein you get from main food sources so you should only be accounting for what you need to top up with.

    The general consensus is that a person should ingest 0.32 grams of protein per 1 lb of body weight to maintain a healthy balanced diet. That equates to:

    • 100 lbs (7 stone 2 lbs) – 32 grams
    • 150 lbs (10 stone 10 lbs) – 48 grams
    • 200 lbs (14 stone 4 lbs) – 64 grams

    These numbers will fluctuate based on physical activity. For people engaged in endurance activity the rate jumps to 0.55 – 0.75 grams and for strength training athletes it is even higher again to between 0.70 – 1 gram.

    Endurance Training

    • 100 lbs (7 stone 2 lbs) – 55 to 75 grams
    • 150 lbs (10 stone 10 lbs) – 83 to 113 grams
    • 200 lbs (14 stone 4 lbs) – 110 to 150 grams

    Strength Training

    • 100 lbs (7 stone 2 lbs) – 70 to 100 grams
    • 150 lbs (10 stone 10 lbs) – 105 to 150 grams
    • 200 lbs (14 stone 4 lbs) – 140 to 200 grams

    Besides your weight and goals you should consider other factors. Obviously if you have a physically demanding job you are going to burn more calories compared to someone who is desk-bound. Your job might involve lots of travelling or lifting which will impact on your calorie expenditure. Likewise someone in their 20s is going to have a faster metabolism than someone in their 40s.

    Everyone has different requirements and fitness goals, so it would be foolish to say definitively what is right and wrong. It might sound like a cop out but you really are in the best position to judge optimal amounts and you can only work that out through trial and error. Don't for one minute think more is better if you want to bulk up, you could just end up flushing your money down the toilet and gaining fat. Likewise don't neglect protein if you're trying to lose weight - muscle burns more calories than fat does!

    Instead, you should use the numbers above as a guide. Start at the lower end and work your way up. If you find yourself feeling bloated and lethargic and obviously if you're gaining unexpected flab you may be consuming too much.

    Bear in mind protein content is not the same as a serving / scoop size. Most whey protein powders tend to average around 80 - 85% protein content.

    The bottom line is we're all different, and you are the best judge of how much protein you should take.

  • How much protein should I take in one serving?

    The serving size debate

    Similar to the above question, the amount of protein we can absorb in a single sitting is also a topic of debated back and forth. Unfortunately, like the first question, there is no definitive answer, at least not one we've found. The problem is that unlike calculating a recommended daily protein intake, suggested serving sizes are all over the place. The theories, arguments, and not discounting the results are so widespread and at odds with each other, it makes it a difficult question to answer. There's also food to factor into the equation. "How long should I wait after I've eaten x before I can think about my next protein shake?" Obviously you don't want to waste money over eating and you don't want to get fat. Some of us will eat the traditional three big meals a day plus supplemented protein, others prefer to eat smaller portion sizes more often because it keep metabolisms ticking over. We don't completely ignore serving size, but rather than obsess over how much protein we ingest at any given time, we concentrate on spreading our daily protein quantity throughout the day. In addition to that we focus on specific protein types during different periods in the day. First thing in the morning and around workout times we use a whey based product, mid morning and throughout the day the focus is more on food or if that's not an option a blended supplement that includes egg, pea, soy, rice, casein as well as whey. Big servings won't necessarily make you big - well they will, just not the right type of big. Once again we argue that lifestyle factors - age, weight, gender, job and most importantly genetics influence how we each individually synthesise protein over a given period. It stands to reason that a man who weighs 250 lbs will utilise more nutrients than a lady who weighs 120 lbs when they engage in the same activity.

    What the science and brands recommend

    The majority of brands recommend anywhere from 25 – 50 grams of protein per serving with the higher amount targeted more towards bodybuilders.

    The science says we can absorb roughly 5 - 10 grams of protein per hour therefore that would suggest the majority of protein in a shake would be wasted; it would either be excreted or stored as fat. However, other theories say that we absorb most of the protein we consume and what we don't utilise in muscle development we use for "normal" growth and rejuvenation. We've seen data recommending that people can't synthesise more than 30 grams of protein at once and of course the bodybuilding forums are full with posts that recommend in excess of 50 grams.

    The bottom Line

    Perhaps the main thing to bear in mind is that it's in the interest of supplement companies to advise on larger serving sizes. Our recommendation is to experiment and find out what works best for you. Read the forums and see what has worked for other people who are similar to you (weight, age, goals, job, metabolism etc.) If in doubt you could post your details on a forum and ask for advice. Obviously if you're looking to gain weight and improve strength you can afford to be more liberal with your serving sizes whereas those looking to lose weight should be scrutinising every calorie.

  • When should I take whey protein?

    The most important time to take whey is as soon as you can post workout. During exercise, and especially during strength training, thousands of microscopic tears occur in your muscle tissues. It's important that you flood your body with the right nutrition to aid the repair of that damage. Not only will it increase your recovery time, but supplementing with proper nutrition will help stave off the DOMS– the delayed onset of muscle soreness.

    We usually supplement with a whey based product within 15 minutes of completing a workout.

    Other preferred times include first thing in the morning before breakfast (when the body's super sensitive to nutrient uptake) and also pre-workout – anywhere from thirty minutes to an hour beforehand. One caveat, if you intend to work on cardio we recommend you don't consume a shake, or any food, in the hour leading up to your workout, it will have a negative impact on your performance.

    There's nothing wrong with supplementing whey throughout the day in between meals; it's a recommended way of keeping amino acids levels high. Remember, whey is a fast digesting food, and although it does help regulate blood sugars it won't keep you feeling full for long when taken in isolation. You can extend the digestion and absorption times by adding it to a meal, blending it with a slower digesting protein, or mixing it with some complex carbohydrates and good fats.

  • Could I take too much protein?

    You can take too much of anything, and people have even died from drinking too much water! Think about your goals, your diet, your age and most importantly monitor how your body responds once you introduce whey into your diet. Remember, taking more protein won't make you bigger quicker, even if you are knocking out monster sessions in the gym. Time and rest is equally as important as good nutrition. If you're in doubt, start with smaller serving sizes and fewer servings. You can work your way up until you find a comfortable amount. Don't just monitor your guns, watch for added fat too!

  • Is whey protein dangerous? What are the side effects?

    There is a short list of negative effects attributed to consuming whey, but for the majority of people they will only come about as a result of over use.

    The most important thing to bear in mind is that whey protein is a supplement and it should be used in such a way. While protein shakes are sometimes used to substitute for meals they shouldn't replace food and become your sole source of protein - many try it - we've tried it, and failed! In reference to recommended usage so long as you keep within your daily macros and whey is in that mix along with other good carbohydrates and good fats you should be fine. That said, these are the most commonly reported side effects:

    1. Allergic to milk – For those people who are allergic to milk, do not take any whey protein as it could have life threatening consequences. Seek advice from a qualified nutritionist / doctor first!
    2. Lactose intolerance – If you are lactose intolerant some whey proteins may cause problems, but there is the option of whey protein isolate which has very minimal lactose content. You should also look for a product that contains digestive enzymes which will aid lactose breakdown.
    3. Dehydration & increased thirst – Consuming large amounts of whey protein will cause dehydration. If your goal is to muscle gain and you're consuming large quantities of protein make sure you are compensating by taking adequate quantities of carbohydrates, fats and drink plenty of water throughout the day to flush your kidneys. There's a lot of chatter on the internet saying excessive amounts of whey can increase stress on the liver and kidneys. We can't really comment on this one way or another, except to say that when we've experimented taking large quantities of whey throughout the day it has caused dehydration. People with existing liver and kidney complaints should be cautious and they should seek professional advice if they're worried about over consumption.
    4. Stomach cramps, bloating and flatulence – Even for those who wouldn't consider themselves as being lactose intolerant, stomach cramps can show up every periodically but soon disappear. Bloating and wind can be problematic but it effects everyone differently. It's also worth bearing in mind that these effects tend to occur more when you consume a protein shake on its own or without a sizeable portion of food.

  • Why is whey protein a best seller?

    There are several reasons why.

    1. Whey protein is a "complete" protein meaning it has all 9 essential amino acids (EAAs) required by the body to grow and rejuvenate. It is also high in branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) - leucine, isoleucine, valine which account for 35% of the essential amino acids in muscle proteins.
    2. It's the most bio available form of protein available. The biological value is a measurement of the amount of protein that is absorbed and retained by the body. The higher the biological value of a given food the greater the retention of the protein. Whey is higher than other popular protein foods, even more than eggs, beef, chicken, tuna and soy.
    3. Price wise, gram for gram it is the cheapest form of protein.
    4. Whey is so versatile. Whey protein by itself is fast digesting, which makes it an ideal choice to be taken around workouts, especially post-workout. It can also be combined with slower digesting proteins like casein, milk, soy and pea. It can play an essential role in a weight loss diet and on the flip side, by mixing in fast and slow digesting carbohydrates, it can be a perfect source in a weight gainer.
    5. It's low in calories, carbohydrates as well as fats and is virtually all protein.
    6. Cheaper unflavoured whey can be added to other flavoured variants to bulk up the quantity to make it more affordable.
    7. It has a long shelf life, it's convenient and easy to transport.

  • What is the best whey protein?

    There isn't one. We're all different and we all have different goals, different needs and different budgets. The better question is, "What is the best whey protein for me?" We've tried to answer that question by going through different scenarios for people's individual needs. This should be taken into account along with a good understanding of how concentrates, isolates and mixed blends differ.

    We don't recommend one product over another. Over the years we've used products from dozens of brands, some manufactured in the EU and some in the US. Naturally there are certain brands and products we each prefer over others, but it's down to personal preference. There aren't any products shown on this website we would have any hesitation taking. It's how you use whey in your diet that is more important than the actual product itself. Whey, to a large extent is whey.

  • What's the shelf life of whey protein?

    Most products have a two year shelf life. Some people say that the longer into this period there is a greater chance that the whey will clump when mixing. We've used short dated whey in the past. Some products we've bought on offer have been six months past the expiration date and we've not had any issues.

  • Is there an age restriction on whey protein?

    No there isn't. Whey protein is derived from milk and it's included, albeit in smaller quantities, in baby formulas. If you're after a buff body, a more appropriate question may be is there an age restriction on lifting weights. Strictly speaking there isn't, but it's foolish to start hitting the gym if you're in your early teens. Your body’s still growing and you could do more harm than good. It's not uncommon to see mid-teens supplementing protein shakes.

  • Will taking whey make me fat?

    No, not if you use it in line with your required dietary needs. If you're on a quest for muscle or strength, taking large quantities of whey isn't going to turn you into Mr. Olympia, and taking it in abundance could have a result of maintaining, or even adding, body fat. The excess protein will either end up in the toilet or being stored as fat. All food is fuel, your body needs more than protein to function optimally, even people on diets need the right balance of protein, carbohydrates and fats.

  • What is a natural whey protein and what is Sucrolose?

    Products labelled as natural whey protein have been manufactured to only include (you guessed it) natural ingredients. But, whey is natural - it's derived from milk? Yes it is, but given the choice we humans don't exactly love the taste of bland unflavoured whey protein. During the 1990s and the early 2000s, the vast majority of protein shakes were offered in three flavours - chocolate, strawberry and vanilla. Even some of those flavours left you scratching your head and asking, "Really?" Flavourings have jumped leaps and bounds over the last decade. These days we have flavours like blueberry cheesecake, lemon shortcake and cherry bakewell. In the majority of instances these products are flavoured, at least in part, artificially and to keep carbs low they're also sweetened artificially. Artificial flavourings and sweeteners are used in abundance across the entire food and beverage industry, and there's nothing different with supplements. It's hardly surprising that some people want their protein to be 100% natural. Products are flavoured through a variety of techniques; some use freeze-dried technology and some use patented flavour extraction methods. Stevia is commonly substituted to sweeten "natural" supplements. It offers similar benefits to sucrolose - it has zero calories, it's several hundred times sweeter than normal table sugar, and has negligible effect on blood glucose levels. The key difference between stevia and sucrolose is that the former is natural and sucrolose is derived from sugar in a laboratory. In tests sucrolose has been linked to causing cancer in rats, but that was hardly surprising given the quantities administered. If the effects were replicated on humans we would have to take ridiculous amounts to equal the study. There is an over hanging question as to whether there will be any detrimental effects caused by long term use. Science will only be able to offer an opinion on this in the future, but for now sucrolose is regarded as one of the safest artificial sweeteners.

  • Does flavouring effect the protein content?

    Yes, it does, but only minimally. When there's an "unflavoured" version of the product the manufacturers tend to quote the nutritional content based on that product. Flavoured variants tend to give up somewhere between 5 - 10% of its protein content. A flavoured 80% whey protein concentrate will typically offer 70 - 75% protein.

  • Is there a women's-only whey protein?

    Seemingly the brands would like us to think that there is with a steady stream of "women's whey proteins" appearing on the market. These products are no different than regular whey protein shakes except to say they're marketed to appeal to women. Packaging is usually white instead of black and muscles make way for slender, toned women. The quantities are usually lower as well because women require less protein than men. Bizarrely though the prices for these products gram for gram are usually significantly higher. For this reason we recommend looking for a standard whey protein instead, one that's not loaded with anabolic enhancing ingredients unless bodybuilding is your goal. "Women's proteins" tend to include extra diet / metabolic enhancing ingredients like l-carnitine, alpha-lipoic-acid (ALA), caffeine, green tea and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). If you're so inclined to include these ingredients in your shake all of them can be bought separately online and it always works out cheaper doing it this way.

  • Is whey protein safe for pregnant women and children?

    Whey protein is just protein. It's food, so there's no reason why pregnant women and children shouldn't take it, that is providing they're not allergic to dairy protein or lactose. Whey protein is rich in alpha-lactalbumin, which is one of the main proteins in human breast milk, and it's also extremely important for infant nutrition. Infant formulas contain whey protein and over the last decade it's had a big impact on the price of whey as a raw material.

    We suggest a plain or 100% whey protein product, but if you're in any doubt it's best to speak with a qualified nutritionist first.

  • Can whey protein help me lose weight (fat)?

    Yes, introducing whey protein is a great way to help support dieting goals. When combined with slow digesting carbohydrates and good fats, whey can help fend off hunger pangs by stabilising blood sugars to give a feeling of being full. Numerous studies have shown that people who combine low calorie / high protein diets with exercise have more lean muscle and reduced body fat. Muscle tissue naturally burns more calories than fat, therefore just by increasing muscle mass you will increase your metabolic rate.

  • I'm lactose intolerant, can I take whey protein?

    Whey protein concentrate, although it has low percentages of carbohydrates still causes problems for people who are lactose intolerant. Whey protein isolate has very minimal carbohydrates but there are several products on the market that have virtually none at all, although they are the most expensive products out there. Bulk Powders offer their "Pure Whey Isolate 97%" and The Protein Works have their "Diet Whey Isolate 97". Both products have ultra low quantities of lactose. If your budget won't stretch that far, we suggest you compare whey isolates, look at the carbohydrate content and see if there are any digestive enzymes included. Once you've short listed several products Google some reviews.

  • Is it safe to mix a whey protein shake the day before?

    Yes, there's nothing wrong with mixing a shake up before bed, but obviously being a milk-based product it needs to be stored in the fridge overnight.

    A good tip is to store the powder in a clean dry shaker cup and fill it up with water / milk when you need to. That way you're not lugging around the extra water weight and when you do mix it it'll be fresh. Another good tip is to look out for shaker cups that can hold an extra serving in the cap or in the base.

  • Can I use whey protein in place of meals?

    No, not by itself, although the odd shake in place of a meal won't hurt. Whey protein doesn't contain sufficient carbohydrates, fat, vitamins and minerals to be substituted as a meal replacement. If your goal is to lose weight, remember all macros are important in your diet. Whey protein is versatile though and it's a common practice to add carbohydrates to shakes. Even by adding milk you can turn whey into a basic meal replacement shake. Breakfast shakes, weight gainers, all-in-one's, and even meal replacement shakes all contain a blend of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, and as such they would make for a better choice if you really must supplement a meal.

  • Acronyms

    • WPCWhey Protein Concentrate
    • WPHWhey Protein Hydrolysate
    • WPIWhey Protein Isolate
    • BCAAsBranched Chain Amino Acids
    • EAAsEssential Amino Acids
    • EFAEssential Fatty Acids
    • GIGlycemic Index
    • MPCMilk Protein Concentrate
    • MPIMilk Protein Isolate
    • SPCSoy Protein Concentrate
    • SPISoy Protein Isolate
    • RTDReady to Drink
    • RTSReady to Shake
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