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All Whey Protein

All whey protein is a by-product of cheese manufacturing.

There are three types of whey protein: whey protein concentrate (WPC), whey protein isolate (WPI) and whey protein hydrolysate (WPH).

If you're interested in learning more about how whey protein is produced, please refer to the FAQ.

Whey protein is a staple food source that is used in the majority of protein supplements. It is the most bio-available form of protein available, hence why it remains so popular amongst sports enthusiasts, especially for individuals whose goal is to increase strength and mass. Due to it's health benefits, it also features as a main ingredient in convalescent and meal replacement shakes.

As a “fast digesting” protein it is the best choice of protein to consume after prolonged physical activity and first thing in the morning before breakfast. Depending on your planned activity / work-out, it can also feature as part of a planned pre-workout program.

If you partake in regular exercise, taking adequate amounts of protein will help maintain your body. By keeping a disciplined regime as to when and how much protein you take, you can significantly enhance how quickly your body responds to activity and your rate of your recovery.

If you lead a typical busy modern lifestyle, working out puts yet another hefty tax on your body and that’s why it is important to make every effort to optimise the fuel going in. Ideally, that should be food, but when that’s not always possible supplements are a great benefit. For bodybuilders, just being able to meet the daily protein quota through food alone is not only expensive, it can be unmanageable.

The health benefits of whey protein are well documented and if you Google it, you’ll find numerous sites detailing studies. It is safe to say that if you are engaged in regular physical activity and you’re not allergic to dairy produce, you can benefit by supplementing whey in your diet. Even if you’re lactose intolerant, with progressive modern day technology there are whey supplements that are virtually lactose-free.

As to which type of whey protein is most suitable, we’ve broken the website down to help you understand the marginal differences between concentrates, isolates and hydrolysates and how they fit into the makeup of other supplements like mixed blends and all-in-ones. We’ve also tried to give you a better insight on what is the best whey protein for you based on your goals and your levels of activity. We don’t take the view that there is a magic “one best product”. Collectively, we have different opinions, different goals and we’re different ages with different metabolisms. Needless to say we’ve all had different results. There’s a big difference between an all-in-one bodybuilding supplement and a plain whey isolate, and hopefully with the information offered you’ll be able to make a more informed decision.

If you have a question that we’ve not answered please email us or tweet us.

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BSN - True Mass

True Mass


5.75 lbs / 2.61 kg Tub

Product Type:Powder

Available Flavours:Banana, Chocolate, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Cookies n' Cream, Strawberry, Vanilla

Brand's Website:www.bsnonline.net

    • Full protein matrix of fast, moderate & slow digesting proteins
    • Fast digesting WPC, WPI & hydrolysed whey
    • Slow digesting micellar casein & calcium casein
    • High in calories - 1 : 1.7 protein to carb ratio
    • Medium digesting egg and milk protein isolate
    • Carb source: maltodextrin
CNP Professional - Pro Flapjack

Pro Flapjack

CNP Professional

2 x 75 g Flapjacks

Product Type:Flapjack

Available Flavours:Cherry & Almond, Chocolate, Chocolate Orange, Lemon Meringue

Brand's Website:www.cnpprofessional.co.uk

    • Convenient in between meal protein snack
    • 1:2 - protein to carbohydrate blend
    • Low in simple sugars with low GI oats used as the main carb source
    • Ideal for when you're on the go and shakes aren't an option
    • Protein blend: milk protein isolate, whey protein concentrate & micellar casein
    • 288 calories per bar
CNP Professional - Pro Mass

Pro Mass

CNP Professional

4.96 lbs / 2.25 kg Tub

Product Type:Powder

Available Flavours:Banana, Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla

Brand's Website:www.cnpprofessional.co.uk

    • High quality mass gain / meal replacement shake
    • 1 : 1.5 - protein to carb ratio
    • Blend of premium proteins, complex carbs & good fats
    • Maltodextrin & medium chain triglycerides
    • Ideal for avid gym goers, bodybuilders or individuals with fast metabolisms
    • 397 calories per 100 gram serving
    • Whey protein concentrate & milk protein concentrate
CNP Professional - Pro MR

Pro MR

CNP Professional

20 x 72 g Sachets

Product Type:Powder

Available Flavours:Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla

Brand's Website:www.cnpprofessional.co.uk

    • Convenient high protein meal replacement
    • Only 255 calories per serving
    • Added vitamins & minerals
    • Protein, complex carbs, vitamins & minerals
    • Low temperature processed micellar casein & whey protein concentrate
    • Very low in fat
CNP Professional - Pro Peptide

Pro Peptide

CNP Professional

2 lbs / 908 g Tub

Product Type:Powder

Available Flavours:Banana, Chocolate Malt, Chocolate Mint, Creamy Vanilla, Wild Strawberry

Brand's Website:www.cnpprofessional.co.uk

    • Low temperature processed micellar casein
    • Egg white and milk protein
    • Whey protein blend - concentrate, isolate & hydrolysate
    • CNP's flagship protein shake
CNP Professional - Pro Peptide

Pro Peptide

CNP Professional

5 lbs / 2.27 kg Tub

Product Type:Powder

Available Flavours:Banana, Chocolate Malt, Chocolate Mint, Creamy Vanilla, Wild Strawberry

Brand's Website:www.cnpprofessional.co.uk

    • Low temperature processed micellar casein
    • Egg white and milk protein
    • Whey protein blend - concentrate, isolate & hydrolysate
    • CNP's flagship protein shake
CNP Professional - Pro Whey

Pro Whey

CNP Professional

4.41 lbs / 2 kg Tub

Product Type:Powder

Available Flavours:Banana, Chocolate, Chocolate Mint, Strawberry, Vanilla

Brand's Website:www.cnpprofessional.co.uk

    • Blend of whey protein concentrate & isolate
    • High concentration of BCAAs and glutamine
    • Full range of amino acids
Cytosport - Muscle Milk - RTD

Muscle Milk - RTD


500 ml Carton Carton

Product Type:Carton

Available Flavours:Banana Creme, Cake Batter, Chocolate, Cookies 'n Creme, Strawberries 'n Creme, Vanilla Creme

Brand's Website:www.cytosport.com

    • Convenient ready to drink protein shake
    • Mixed protein blend
    • Slower digesting milk protein isolate
    • Ideal as a through-day protein boost
    • Fast acting whey protein concentrate
Dorian Yates Nutrition - Tempro


Dorian Yates Nutrition

5 lbs / 2.27 kg Tub

Product Type:Powder

Available Flavours:Banana, Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla

Brand's Website:www.dorianyatesnutrition.com

    • Blend of 7 protein sources
    • 4 varieties of whey plus egg white and micellar casein
    • Fast and slow digesting proteins
    • Added glutamine peptides
Extreme Nutrition - Extreme Whey

Extreme Whey

Extreme Nutrition

4.85 lbs / 2.2 kg Tub

Product Type:Powder

Available Flavours:Banana, Blueberry Cheesecake, Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla

Brand's Website:www.extremenutrition.co.uk

    • Blend of cold processed microfiltered whey protein concentrate & isolate
    • High amino acid concentration, especially in BCAAs and glutamine
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www.wheyprotein.org.uk is a trading name of Supplement Marketing, a privately owned company owned and operated by Mike Clark.

Brand logos, store logos and product images may be subject to copyright. No copyright infringement is intended. For more information on logo and product copyright, please click here.

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